2. Ethical ideal client profiles with Erica Courdae


In this episode, CEO India Jackson and Co-host Erica Courdae talk about ideal client avatars and how the way they are traditionally structured just doesn’t work. Listen in on why they used to dread doing ideal client profile exercises, why they are not inclusive, and a few mindset shifts they’ve made over the years that changed the way they see this work. Join in as they provide insight on their updated process and how it gets your ideal clients to know that you’re what they’ve been looking for.


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Consider + Ask yourself This

  • Do you have a clear vision of who your ideal clients are?

  • Are you attracting this person to your brand and retaining them?

  • Is your current ideal client avatar based on their age, sex, or ethnicity?

  • Do you understand the values of your ideal clients?

  • Can you describe the difference between your personal values and that of your ideal clients?

  • Are you repelling people who are against these values?

  • Do you have a document that concisely explains who your ideal client is?

  • Are you sharing who your ideal clients are via a document internally with your team members and service providers?

  • Are you referring back to who your ideal clients are before creating new content (photographs, social media captions, graphics)?

Your Action For This Episode

Empower your brand with ethical marketing sign up for the Ideal Client Magnet virtual workshop today at:


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