5 ways to use your bodybuilding competition photos
Now that you have the gallery downloaded to your computer desktop and backed up on additional storage, what will you do with these photos that showcases all of your awesomeness? Before we can answer that question, let's dive into why it is so beneficial for you to use these photos in various ways.
First off, this day was a literal finish line for the bodybuilding contest preparation process. It required your dedication, your time, your physical and mental limitations and your heart. To be able to showcase your transformation through vivid moments that are frozen in time creates great opportunities to share your journey with others and immortalize your best moments in a physical form. To simply just allow those photos to sit on your computer is almost doing a disservice to all the hard work you gave day in and day out leading to the day of the competition.
Be proud and showcase what you can accomplish with your admirable dedication to your goals. Depending on your career, these photographs can be used to up-level your brand and create an elevated sense of respect between you and your clients/customers. For others, this can connect you with other influencers and brands in the fitness industry or create a following with people who look up to you for motivation and want to know your story. There are endless reasons why you should use your photos. Now, let's change gears and talk about how you can showcase your photographs.
1. Post them on Social Media
The world of social media is immensely diverse and interactive. You can use social to share your photos with your friends, family, and the world. We recommend lengthening this process and posting only one photo a day, instead of sharing all of your glory at one time. This can elevate your personal brand and in some cases your professional brand as well. Clients, customers, fitness enthusiast, and even potential sponsors can be drawn to your posts. Your inspiring images and captions will make positive and meaningful changes in the daily life of others. Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of stretching out your images via a daily post? We put a "how to" reference on The 3 Ways To Simplify Your Instagram HERE.
2. Upgrade Your Marketing Materials
Creating printed marketing or advertising materials can totally upgrade your personal brand. This is especially effective for personal trainers and other types of health and wellness professionals. A great example is to select a photo to use on your business cards, flyers, and brochures. Using a high-quality image of yourself creates credibility. Knowing that you are a athlete separates you from others in your industry. This creates a sense of dedication, which can easily transfer to your brand's reputation. The more potential clientele can trust that your brand gets results and is different than your competition, the more inquiries and business you will receive. We’ve got you covered with a resource to show you how you can print the photos to use for your business cards and more HERE.
3. Create Momentos
Let's take things back to a more personal approach. There are various takeaways and memories you will have from your competition. The goodie bags, your stage suit or shorts, your safety pinned numbers and of course the newly acquired friendships will be great mementos for the experience vault. However, what if you took it a step further and had your absolute favorite photo framed small or huge to savor every day at home or as a gift to your family to enjoy? You did the work, so allow yourself to be proud and take it all in. Mpix is a high quality printer that we personally use for our studio. We like that the process of ordering with them is super easy and their prices are affordable. You can learn more about printing your photos for display HERE.
4. Refresh Your Website & Blog
Bringing things back to the digital side, there are other ways to use the internet to expand and reach out to new viewers. Uploading your photos to your website can truly add variety and an elevated quality to your online presence. Whether you have a professional business website or a casual blogging website, the opportunities to represent yourself and show your achievements are endless.
5. Never Forget How Much You Gave To Gain
Lastly, we want you to enjoy your photos. Be open to allowing these pictures to build emotions of gratitude and achievement. Use them as tools to create relationships with other athletes. Sharing who you are unapologetically and elevating your brand can create a connection with other influencers and attract brands you want to connect with. They can lead to the sponsorship you’ve always wanted. Most of importantly, your experience of competing was immortalized via photography. It will live on for you to cherish for a lifetime ensuring that you never forget how much you gave to gain this moment.